I was more than a little bummed that the Publix sale was a flat-line this week, but hey everyone has an off week.
So off to Albertson I went. I was extremely upset with their coupon policy and general lack of customer service on my last visit and was hoping for better luck this week.
The sale wasn't too coupon friendly but the prices were pretty good.
The best buys were:
Chicken Breasts .88lb ** I stocked up with about 12lbs
Campbells Ckn Noodle or tomato soup 2 for .88 **got 12 cans and used 3 .40/4qs
Progresso Soup .88** 8 cans used 4 .50/2qs
The rest of my groceries were mostly fruit and veggies
I was trying not to freak out that I spent soo much on food
my total opp was $45.02!!! Yikes but I bought a lot of need fresh items!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
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