It seems I cant log on to the computer, turn on the tv, or even open the kids back packs at the end of the day without seeing/hearing about the the Swine Flu. The media doesn't seem like they will be happy until we are all in a mass panic about H1N1. So how worried should we be? The CDC is warning with start of the school year, parents can expect Swine Flu to spread like wildfire.
We are to remind children to cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently, and stay home if you are sick. The schools in our county are requesting that any child with flu symptoms stay home from school for at least seven days. I am thinking the kids will miss a great deal of school this year...
We also go to Disney nearly every weekend. I am a little nervous about coming into contact with H1N1 there. We wash our hands a lot and avoid closed buildings (shows) and because of Noah's autism we avoid long lines and crowds (we go in alternate entrances). If it gets worse we could always wear masks.
I am normally chicken little about such things, like "WE ARE ALL GONNA DIEEEE" panic, but I am trying to remain calm.
I am also up in the air concerning the vaccine that will be coming out soon.
So, how are you handling this "pandemic" as a mom?
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
I am so bad I get all stressed adn then try not to think about it. We have our annual peds appointments coming up and I know the swine flu vaccine is going to come up I just don't think I can do it. Also that ovarian cancer vaccine worries me to no end also. It just hasn't been around long enough to have my kids be guinea pigs for it.
I leave it to God, girl. I'm not even thinking about it. ;)
Love you.
I don't even think about it. I'll deal with it if it comes my way. But the media is being relentless about it!
Thanks for the comments! I agree about the vaccine (both of them) I just dont think I can do it!
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