Starting tomorrow Staples will have packs of filler paper for $.01! There is a limit of 5. If you need more give your kids each a nickel and let them cash out themselves!
Also starting on Sunday Office Depot is offering:
pencil pouches $.05
Pencil sharpeners $.10
pencil 10 packs $.25
Walgreens is offering several $.25 items
Papermate highlighters
2 pack pink erasers
paper clips
pencil top erasers
Also at Walgreens 4 pack Expo Markers $1.99
If you are not in a position to run around to ten different stores, Wal*mart has consistently low prices. I am lucky that most of these stores are pretty close to me and it is easy to stop by them through out the week.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
Cheap school supplies are my favorite part of back-to-school time. My son Oscar is a long way off from school age, but as a teacher I've always LOVED school supplies. I loved them when I was a kid, too. I just noticed from your profile that you are studying to become an Elementary school teacher. I am an English Education professor (preparing future k-12 English teachers) so let me know if you ever need any resources or advice.
I love school supplies! I have always love them too. lol
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