I have privately ranted to my poor dh about this nutball...uh woman who just gave birth to octuplets, but have tried to avoid the controversy of it all. However sitting here on my couch, sick as dog, watching her interview on Dateline, I feel compelled to RANT to world. While I commend her for choosing to let all the babies have a chance at life and not get selective reduction, I am just at a loss as to why someone with no partner, and no income would have IVF.
Her denial about the seriousness of the situation alarms me. She is going to have 14 children to care for ALONE. Three of her older children have special needs, one is autistic. These babies are not going to have an easy road. She has no INCOME, none!
Unless you count student loans, social security for the three special needs kids, and food stamps.
Now those who know me in real life know, I am the last person that should be throwing stones on most of those things. And its true. I don't judge anyone for taking advantage of much needed assistance. Believe me I am there now, but I am not alone and we do have income. AND I am not having EXPENSIVE medical procedures to have litters of children that I don't have the means to care for.
Still I feel as though I am the pot calling the kettle black on some levels, we are far from financial secure, but would still love another baby.
Maybe I am a nutball too... wouldn't be the first time it was questioned.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
Oh girl. I hear you. That woman is nuttier than squirrel crap. Trust me, both you and I love and adore children. We both believe in the sanctity of life. I don't even believe that there should be limits on children because I don't believe that the government has a right to tell anyone how few or how many children to have. Take for example Jon and Kate, or the Duggars. They have many children, and are doing fairly well. What is the difference? The difference is, those families have a father who is the head of the home, and who are making an income to support said families. You know as well as I do that there is no way on God's green earth that lady can afford 14 daycare tuitions.
That being said, I don't think her physician is liable, unless they didn't perform a psych test. I do believe a person has to pass a psychological profile to be treated for infertility. If this woman passed the psych test at this clinic...
I cant imagine this nutball passed a psych test.wow just WOW
Jen, did you see that the mom is now in hiding? Wow...
She is in hiding? I dont blame her. But didnt stop her from having a website begging for $$$.
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