I had a slightly freezer burned bag of flour, I just couldn't bring myself to throw out and I figured making dough ornaments would be a messy but fun way to use the flour! And it was...both lol.
Recipe is easy.
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
little oil (i would guess 2 tsp not needed though I saw plenty recipes w/o it)
1 cup water
I had to add a dash of vanilla to mine because it smelled freezer burned
Slowly add water to other ingredients until you have a nice dough.
Not sticky and doesnt crumble.
I sprinkled a little flour on the table and gave each boy a ball of dough and a bunch of cookie cutters. We didnt have rolling pins so we improvised a bit and used cans (paging Martha Stewart). They boys had sooo much fun punching out the shapes.
I lined the pan with wax paper and placed them in a 250 degree oven for 1 hour.
After they cooled we painted them. I used kids paint because Noah tends to get things in his mouth but it made them a little wet. So I put them back in the oven for about 20 mins. Tonight I get to paint some glaze on them and VIOLA homemade ornaments!
All in all this took a while. But I was so surprised how much fun my tough guys had making them!
(please ignore the dates on the last 2 pics I need new batteries and didnt reset date.)
What a great idea! I am going ot have ot do this also with the kids. We went out andgot our tree today and some lights and ornaments, i can't wait to put them up. miss you
great job guys!!
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