You think I am kidding? That was really my wedding!
And you know what? I don't regret a minute of it.
We were planning a small, but complicated wedding. My dad was not coming (racial issues now long gone), my mom and grandmother were fighting and refused to come if the other was, and we were broke. I heard on the radio that a popular station was planning a giant group wedding and that it would be free. Sounded like an adventure to me and did I mention it was FREE?I called in and was chosen to take part. We raced to city hall got the license and called our families the next day. The following day I picked out a dress, flowers, and our wedding rings (from a pawn shop). The next morning we were married.
It was an adventure.
It still is an adventure.
10 years later, we have been though so much. Some of the things every couple goes through, growing up, getting older, and changing who we are as people. There have been fights, actually quite a few. There have been times we didn't have two dimes to our name, but we survived all that. We have been blessed with three amazing now-not-so-little boys. And we faced our oldest child being diagnosed with Autism, as a team.
However, in the months following Kai's death, I wasn't sure we would make it. Losing a baby is not something you can prepare for. But we did make it, mostly because Neil is a saint (cuz I was CRAZY). We have handled the three subsequent losses together. We are a little older and a lot wiser now. I don't take a day for granted.
Everyday is still an adventure. I feel so blessed to be married to him, for many reasons. Have I mentioned the man cleans? He is also an incredible father, there are not enough words to describe how important that is. And last but not least, he is HOT.
I hope an pray we are blessed to continue to celebrate our lives together.

I am so happy for you guys!! CONGRATS. Even though I know how the story goes, I still got some nice goose bumps while reading it.
Happy anniversary!
How sweet! I'm so happy for you guys!
Happy Anniversary! You two are an adorable couple. :)
Congratulations Jenni, to both you and your husband! 10 years is a big deal and I am sure you two have 50 more coming! Your post is awesome. I know you have been through alot but its only made you stronger. God bless you and your marriage! Mary
Wow, Jenni! I will always remember you as the girl I avoided frog disection with in high school, but what an amazing story. I'm so happy you found that sort of love and friendship. Your children are beautiful and you are a testament to what love can handle. What a blessing! Congrats on the anniversary! Rebecca
Not cool to make me cry. Also? You and your husband? HOT.
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