As my intro says I am a stay-at-home mom to three boys. I have been married almost 10 years to the most hard working man on earth. I live in "sunny" Florida, not so sunny right now as we have been pounded by tropical storm Fay for 6 days! Our oldest son who turns 8 next month is Autistic and little bit of a handful, but has the sweetest heart of any child I have ever met! My middle little monkey is Mr. Sensitve and very bright. He just started kindergarden this year. My youngest is hilarious and way too smart for his own good!
I recently started clipping coupons and raiding the internet for the cheapest way to feed our crew! Three boys and a hungry daddy can eat alot!
I hope to post my daily adventures, victories, and struggles as a mom and bargin hunter!
though some how I have managed to ace both college English classes I have taken be prepared for spelling and grammer erroros gallore!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
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