I was going to post a list of shit that annoyed me this week, it was going to be long.
But then I woke up and it was crisp and cool. My dad left two pretty fall flower bushes on my porch. My dog ran around like a maniac in the cold morning air. The boys pulled out their jackets for the first time, excited about fun Friday PE in the chilly wind. There is cocoa and kettle corn for snack today. I had just enough to pay my bills this week. Literally by .76 but hell that WAY better than before. Neil is off tomorrow and we are going to enjoy this weekend's amazing weather.
So I will save the rant for another day. I am going to go sit outside with my dog.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
It WAS a gorgeous morning and you are BLESSED to have your husband home every day, lucky lady!
I'd love to suggest that instead of listing stuff that ticks you off, to count your blessings instead; but I think you might kill me.
I kinda thought that is what I did...
True, you did! Keep going! You'll feel amazing. :D
Purging on here helps me to be more positive in my "real" life. I need an outlet. Can't just keep it bottled in. Or I tend to want to bitch slap strangers and for some reason people frown on that.
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