Yesterday was my Birthday, after Noah's post op dental appointment the entire family (including my sister) piled in the van headed out to Disney. Noah started to get worked up on the tram ride into the park and was flipping out when we got off. And as we stepped off he jumped on me and BAM I was going down. I managed not to fall on my arse in front of hundreds of people, thank goodness, but I did sprain my ankle and pop my knee out of socket. Thirty minutes, a wheelchair, ice pack, and an ace bandage later we were on our way to dinner. When we got there, we realized we(as in dh)had lost my shoes(couldn't get one on my huge ankle). The evening turned out to be pretty good, despite my pain. My dad and his girlfriend, who I share a birthday with, met us out there.
This morning, I managed to hobble around and grocery shop. I picked up some great deals, which I will post about next.
Flash forward to this afternoon, Noah is once again in a tizzy, because his favorite aid went home sick and he had a sub. The house is in turmoil, as I type this the toilet needs to be taken apart (something is stuck in it) it keeps overflowing, there is bologna stuck to the floor of the playroom, but dinner is actually cooking.
A huge pot of Jambalaya, sans the thyme which one of my dear kiddos poured out in the backyard.
While cooking this dinner, I burned my boob on the stove. Yep, that's right my BOOB.
Is it bedtime yet?
***********Well I woke up this morning to a #2 explosion in the bathroom. I crawled to Ace and picked up the needed parts to repair the toilet and proceeded to spend and hour elbow deep in the #2 sludge, where I retrieved the sparkley bouncy ball from the bowels of the toilet. I am not gasping for breath as a I may have fried my lungs with Bleach trying to clean up the mess.****************
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
1 comment:
I'd like to wish you a Happy Birthday, but I think I'll wish you a happy recovery instead.
And ummm...your boob? I don't even know where to go on that one.
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