I had my 20 week appointment with the high risk doctor on Monday morning, Arabella still looks great. She was a bit difficult when they tried to get clear shots of her spine (which is what we need). They did get some shots of it, but got much clearer ones of the heart, brain, and belly, all look normal. I go back in three weeks for another check of her size and spine. So far so good, I am praying she is okay and will be born perfectly healthy.

After the appointment, I came home and we got ready to have some friends over for a bbq. The food turned out great and the adults were all sitting down to eat when I heard a big CRASH. Neil was in the hall and yelled that Noah broke a window... I jumped up (as fast as a fat pregnant chic can jump) and yelled to Neil asking if Noah was cut, as I got to the room he calmly said "yes". Since he was so calm I didn't freak out, til I looked down. OMG the blood! I could see right away this was going to be an urgent care trip. I grabbed a towel, wrapped his arm, slipped on flip flops, got my keys, ran out the door with Noah, telling everyone I would call with an update. Thank God there is an After Hours Peds place less than 3 minutes from my house. Within ten minutes of the cut, he was numbed and watching a movie. I LOVE that place. He ended up with 16 stitches. The cuts are AWFUL. Noah handled the stitches like a champ and I totally give the amazing staff credit for that. He is still sore, but coping okay. I wasn't in the room and it's not easy to get info out of an autistic child, but from what I gather he was stimming (hand flapping) because he was upset, and basically smacked the window. Which matches up because the cuts are on the top of his forearm.
I feel so bad for him. Tomorrow is the last day of school and he can't swim or go to the beach for 14 days!
I can't believe the school year is over. Normally, I am more than ready for it. This year my wallet is, I am spending an INSANE amount of money on gas getting them to school. The rest of me is a little sad, all three boys have thrived this year and are enjoying school. I really hope next year is as wonderful. Also I am so tired, I pray I can keep up with them all summer!