I am now down with the swine flu too. Which comes at a great time, since I have a test in school today and there are no retakes and no make ups. I can't find contact info on my professor anywhere, so I am going to have to don a oh so sexy mask to go in to tell him I have the pig plague. Knowing what a douchenoozle this guy is, I will probably have to take it tonight. I also have an outline due for a speech (oddly enough on the swine flu) and a test on Monday. I can only laugh, because at this point? It is that or fall into a sobbing ball of goo.
Called the school. I am NOT to go in even with a mask. Left message for professor.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
Oh no! I'm sorry! I hope you feel better. My son has it and it feels like I'm getting it too.
I'm glad SCC finally came to their senses!
Oh wow, lady, your life is so packed full. I don't know how you do it. I bow at your feet! I hope you feel better soon, this is wretched for you. :( And the douche-inator professor? If he was anything other than accomodating to you, you should go cough on the doorknob to his office. ~Susan
Good LORD. Hang in there. Feel better soon!
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