I hate WalMart. I make every effort to avoid the hell hole, particularly the one in the closest town to me. On the average visit you are likely to see the ghetto and/or redneck elite of the area. Last Thursday, I needed treat bags and the first store I stopped by was out, so I ran/limped into WalMart.
Thought I could be in and out in a second. As I was walking to the register I noticed a mother dealing with a 6-8 yo boy having a total meltdown, cry and wailing. I heard her tell him they were leaving, she headed to the closest register, with him still sobbing behind her.
I went to a register two aisles over, my heart went out to the mother, because, dude, we have ALL been there at some point. As the mother of an Autistic son, I have had more than my share of public meltdowns. Heck even my "normal" son's have done this.
What happened next BLEW my mind. The cashier and a customer were having a very rude and vile conversation about the mother and her son. Before I share that, let me paint a picture...
Customer: heavy (like really heavy), late 30's, cami tank top (NO BRA) short shorts and beat up flip flops
Cashier: avg, walmart attire, several odd piercings, her name in gold in her earrings and necklace (in case she forgot?), painted on eyebrows, and of course 12 inch fake nails
Here is the conversation:
Customer: If that was my f**king kid, I would be beating his a$$.
Cashier: Ain't no way in hells, I would be lettin my kid punk me like that Sh%t.
Customer: It's her own fault, she dont be whoopin his a$$ enough. (she takes off her
narsty flip flop and starts acting out beating the child) I be beating my kids a$$es with my shoes when they bad in public.
Cashier:hell yeah. she ain't no good mom to be letting her kid ak like that here.
* at this point my HEAD is about to explode and I can't stay quiet*
me: Excuse me but you don't know her or her child. I have a son with special needs and he does things like that. The last thing I need in the situation is to hear people like YOU talking about me while I try to cope.
Customer: Well that's all good for you, but I would still beat his a$$
me: you ARE aware if you beat a child with a shoe in a public place, you will probably go to jail, right?
Cashier: Oh no I won't (insert finger waggin and head motions). It be my right to beat my kids a$$.
There is more but you get the point. So I pick up my few items and leave for another register, before I jump over the damn counter and and beat the B#tch with MY shoe.
I tell the next cashier what happened, it turns out she also has a special needs son and is disgusted by the conversation. She asked me to speak with the manager and I did. The managers response? "So what do you want me to do about it?"
Keep it classy WalMart.
*I have no idea if this kid was special needs or just having a fit, but either way this conversation was just wrong.
**I should have just ignored them, but for some reason child abuse riles me up.
***These ladies were both not minorities and this was pretty much word for word what they said (the best I can recall)
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago