I was up at 1 am the other night grumbling and rocking my crying and sick three year old, grouchily wondering if he was EVER going sleep. During this grouchfest, I was one handed checking twitter. Then the world stopped, someone posted a link to another blog with the warning that she was now sobbing. On the blog? The story of a little girl born 11 weeks to soon, to a mommy who fought valiantly to carry her, despite the doctors warnings that she wouldn't make it. This little girl then beat the odds after nearly dying in the NICU, coming home and growing into a little girl full of sunshine and bubbling personality.
Then an unfathomable thing was posted, this little ray of sunshine was gone. Madeline Alice Spohr(link to memorial video) passed away at 17 months from complications of a virus, that her little body couldn't handle.
No parent should ever have to know the agony of losing a child. My thoughts and prayers are with the Sphors.
After sobbing into my (finally) sleeping 3 year olds fluffy hair, I couldn't put him down. There are just no words...
In lieu of flowers they have asked that people make donations in Maddie's memory to the March of Dimes. The amazing generosity of the online/Twitter community has been mind blowing, raising over $18,000 in just one day.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 week ago
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