really?? it looks like I am balding
hot stuff huh?
I have always been a person who takes great care of my hair, but being a SAHM to three boys and a part time student has stolen any time I would have spent on beautifying myself (not to mention I am limping around on one good leg these days). As I type my $150 flat iron collects dust and I have black hair with blonde/gray roots that is so frizzy things keep getting caught in it. Which is why I am so excited about this giveaway! ModernMami has teamed up with Adore de Salon to giveaway a $300 salon makeover for Mother's Day! Winning this would totally make my Mother's Day!
after the last few weeks, you totally deserve to win! Shoot you deserve a medal for not killing someone!
I have black hair with gray roots too. I'm too young for this!!!
Thanks for entering contest. Good luck!
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