Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I try to remember to be thankful everyday. It's not always easy to see it, but I am so damn blessed. I said a few days ago, I love Thanksgiving because it's not about what gifts you give or receive. It's about being grateful and spending time with those you love.
Tomorrow (and everyday)I am thankful for:

My husband

My kids. More specifically;
That Jordan is growing up so much and is reading so well now.
That Isaiah is such a sweet loving boy, is healthy and strong, and smart.
That Noah is coming our of the autism shell and really blooming.

That my kids love to sing along with the radio, LOUDLY.

That despite some economic struggles we are able to pay our bills.

My brother and sisters.

My mom and dad.

On a much more superficial level:

For Glee. I really love that show!

For my kitchen aid mixer.

For the contest I won that is going to help with Christmas shopping.

On a different level all together:
I am even thankful for the miscarriage in September, at least I know I CAN still get pregnant.I am not sure where the fertility road will take us this year, but I am ok with where ever it goes.

I am blessed beyond measure.

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